Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Week 12 Assignment

iTunes Univeristy is an easy way to access educational content provided by hundreds of different colleges and universities. Students are able to sync the programs to their iPods or iPhones and listen to the material at any time through out the day. Using iTunes University keeps the student engaged within their classroom. It Provideds a spoken message that can be followed along in a book or watching a video on the lecture is an easy way to keep students focused on their academics.

As a student, I believe the use of iTunes University would benefit me because it is an easy way to enrich your learning. If you feel particually fond of a subject and the class you're in did not cover it completely, you can research more knowledge on it through iTunes University. If teacher's here at South Alabama posted videos or podcast to the iTunes University I know I would listen to them to help me understand the subject material better. I think this type of technology would be a good thing to incorporate in the classroom because sometimes it takes more than one explanation for some students to understand the material.

As a teacher, I believe it depends on what grade level you are teaching to how much you should incorporate iTunes University into your classroom. Personally I want to teach the lower grades of elementary school, but I feel that you can still use this library of knowledge to your advantage. You could post your own podcasts during the summer to keep the students up to date on their summer reading. You could also read a story and post it to the library for the students to listen too. For the upper part of elementary school you could post different videos for your students to watch for homework. For example you could post a science video and for homework have the student develop the scientific method for that video. I think the older the students are the more they would benefit from this iTunes University because it is designed for older college students.
