Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Post

My Name is Amber Calvert. I'm a 20 (soon to be 21) year old junior at South Alabama. I am majoring in Elementary Education. As a senior in high school I had decided that I wanted to go to the University of Alabama. I was all ready to go, when in April of 2006 I was diagnosed with Melanoma. Therefore that put a damper on my plans. Due to all the doctor appointments I decided to stay here in Mobile. I don't regret it at all. I love Mobile and I'm glad I stayed close to home. Anyways, I started off here at South as a Business major.. only to shortly realize how much I disliked all my classes. By November of my first semester I decided I wanted to become a teacher. I love kids! I lost that feeling of "now what to do with my life" once I entered the College of Education. I should be graduating in the Spring of 2010, which I am very excited about! I cant wait to get into my own classroom!

My life revolves around my school and work schedule. Most of the time I feel like I have no time for myself, but when I do get a spare moment my time is spent with my boyfriend of 3 years (Josh), my 2 very best friends, or reading. Right now my obsession is the Twilight Series. I've read the whole series twice now and I'm working on a third time. The movie comes out November 21st and I can not wait. That would be my nerdy side. :] My best friends Lauren and Ashlea are both mothers. Grayson and Madison are my little worlds. They both have my heart in their hands. I was able to watch Grayson Lee's birth this past April and it was the most special thing in the world. I have two dogs, Jackson and Sam, who I love to death! I love going out on the boat..fishing..swimming..tubing.. everything that goes a long with it. I also love going up to my boyfriends huntin camp in Gainestown, Alabama. Riding horses is one of my biggest passions. I use to compete when I was younger, but due to my crazy schedule I only get to ride occasionally now. I can't wait for football season to start... Roll Tide! :]

Right now, the class I am most excited about is Classroom Management. I'll be starting my candidacy in the spring. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Annndd I'm ready for the semester to be over already. ;]

1 comment:

Genny Johnson said...

I am very excited about Classroom Management too!!! I am looking forward to getting to know you :)