Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 4 Assignment

The video made by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod is fascinating. I could not believe all the statistics they had through out the presentation. It made my jaw drop quite a few times. I had no idea how technologically advanced we are becoming. The statistics that the video shared were so interesting. It makes me wonder how much the numbers have changed now in 2008 from 2007. It would be interesting to see the new statistics if they redid this video in a couple a years to show what's new out in the world.

Some of the interesting statistics that I saw were how 100% of college students in India speak English. That just blows my mind because I took two years of Spanish in high school and I have no idea how to speak that language. I might be able to pick out a couple words I know from memory, but I there is no way I could carry a conversation with someone who spoke that language. I find it amusing how most Americans have no idea how to speak another language fluently, but other countries can speak our language just as well as we can. I also found it very interesting how the video pointed out the new college majors. It made me wonder what kind of opportunities my children will have. My brain can not even begin to comprehend all the new technology that is coming our way in the future. The part about the average 21 year old and all the television, video games, instant messages, and emails we have spent our time on really makes me wonder what happened to the simpler things in life? Instead of talking a walk or a bike ride we now stay inside to play on facebook and myspace. The statistic that said that 70% of four year olds have used a computer is just astonishing. When I was four I played with Barbies and made mud pies. What is happening to our youth? It almost feels like we are being taken over by technology. The thing that really made my jaw drop was when it said that if Myspace were a country it would be the 8th largest in the world. That is mind blowing. I just can not even imagine that the web community is that massive just for Myspace. I also can not believe that the computer will soon exceed not only the human brain, but the human race.

This video really showed how much we have accomplished through technology. It makes a clear point that we need to teach our children how to be successful in the 21st Century. New college majors and careers are being created every year to help in the progress of our world. This one video created five million different conversations. It shows the power of technology and the future advancements. Children whom may never of had the chance to own a textbook could have all the answer they needed with just one computer with access to the internet. As a future educator I need to be prepared to teach my children the fundamentals of technology so that I can help further their chances of succeeding in todays society.

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