Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 6 Assignment

Green School in Bali Indonesia
The first school I found was The Green School in Bali, Indonesia. This school uses classroom blogs for students from preschool to year 8. The blogs give students an opportunity to reflect and share what they have learned with others. It also gives parents a chance to read about what their child is doing in school. Each grade level blogs multiple times a week. This school is brand new, therefore the blog is very active. I enjoyed learning about their unique views of education through nature.

Zurich International School

The second school I found is in Wadenswil, Switzerland called Zurich International School. Their blog is used to inform parents of upcoming events. Its purpose is to serve as a newsletter. There were posts about sports teams, signing up for lockers, and service projects. The site says that the purpose of the blogs is to show major issues and the future direction of the school. This blog is an easy way for students and parents to be more involved in their school. Now they can see all the opportunities they have and parents can also help their children stay on task.

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